Wednesday, February 29, 2012


join Creator's Fan Club
Hello I am your friendly advertiser.I am the third in command of this blog. I advertise
your club. you will see many advertisements for groups. You will have a fun time at Fan Club Inc. There might be pages with your clubs name on it and that would be cool, and you might see my group AdMan Fans. I hope you have fun.  Oh, and
the emblem you see is the creators ad. We will get
a website soon I hope you have fun you might see
my jokes.  "Oh there is one now".

This is you before this game :l this is you when
you find this game :o this is you when you play
this game :D


Hello all, Fan Club Inc, people.  We are excited to have you here. At our blog you can build a fan club you can also join other people's fan clubs you can also join my fan club Creator's Fan Club. Have fun!!!!!!